Predecessor Builds > Countess > The CORRECT way to play Countess
You will find everything you need in this guide.
Why no Lifebinder:
Lifebinder is a trap, its common knowledge to build tainted/anti heal to deal with countess, you are told to do the same for Khaimera and Grux, to avoid being easily counterbuilt never build this garbage item unless you are playing in Bronze/Silver ranked
Why no Overseer:
While your ULT does incredible damage, and the heal is nice, it's a niche pick unless all 5 of the enemy team are squishies, you heal enough by using your skills on enemies and minions, your 3 skills together do more damage than your ULT, and you already have plenty of pen, it's not a must build like most people say.
Do NOT build any of these items:
Magnify, Oathkeeper, Prophecy, Plasma Blade. These items are Basic Attack focused, they do not compliment Countess' kit, you are a burst damage dealer reliant on abilities to dish out massive damage, remember you are playing Countess, not Shinbi.
Why this order matters:
Cause it just does, your goal as countess is to farm up to level 6, only gank earlier if your laners arent pushing too much and you can go in, burst quick and get out, dont waste too much time, keep farming, only gank when an enemy is close to fog wall, once you have level 6 you can afford to stay in lanes longer because your ULT and skill burst rotation is almost always a guaranteed kill.
Duo lane and Midlane are your priority because of your Magical Pen, Offlane isnt important unless your Offlaner is REALLY struggling or theres a squishy for easy kills.