
[Info] - API Updated about 1 month ago
Author: C0re

We don't impose rate limits at the moment, but I'd kindly ask for responsible usage to avoid the need for it.

Dashboard hero statistics

Returns general stats about the heroes.


Optional arguments:

hero_ids=[{hero_id},{hero_id},...]   // takes an array of hero ids - leaving this empty returns all heroes
time_frame={value}                   // accepts: [ALL, 3M, 2M, 1M, 3W, 2W, 1W, 1D]
game_mode={name}                     // accepts: [pvp, ranked, custom, brawl]


Returns matches in chronological order.


Optional arguments:

timestamp={some_timestamp}          // unix timestamp from when to start fetching, do not use to paginate!
cursor={some_cursor_id}             // leave empty in first request
                                    // following requests should contain the cursor of the previous API response

per_page={number}                   // max number of matches per page - limited to 100


Will give you all sorts of data of a single match.




Optional arguments:

page={number}                       // lets you paginate
filter[name]={name}                 // search for player names
filter[include_inactive]={number}   // include inactive players - accepts: [0, 1]
filter[include_unranked]={number}   // include unranked players - accepts: [0, 1]


This endpoint will give you general information about a player.


Player matches:

This endpoint will give you the match history of a player.


Optional arguments to filter and paginate the match history:

time_frame={value}             // accepts: [ALL, 3M, 2M, 1M, 3W, 2W, 1W, 1D]
page={number}                  // lets you paginate
per_page={number}              // max number of matches per page - limited to 100
filter[hero_id]={hero_id}      // hero the player played
filter[role]={role}            // role the player played - accepts: [offlane, jungle, midlane, carry, support]
filter[player_name]={name}     // player that was present in the game
filter[game_mode]={name}       // accepts: [pvp, ranked, custom, brawl]

Player statistics:

General player statistics.


Optional arguments:

time_frame={value}   // accepts: [ALL, 3M, 2M, 1M, 3W, 2W, 1W, 1D]

Player hero statistics:

Returns general stats about the heroes of a player.


Optional arguments:

hero_ids=[{hero_id},{hero_id},...]   // takes an array of hero ids - leaving this empty returns all heroes
time_frame={value}                   // accepts: [1Y, 3M, 2M, 1M, 3W, 2W, 1W, 1D]
filter[role]={role}                  // role the player played - accepts: [offlane, jungle, midlane, carry, support]

Player common teammates

Returns information about the teammates a player played most with.


Optional arguments:

time_frame={value}   // accepts: [ALL, 3M, 2M, 1M, 3W, 2W, 1W, 1D]
count={number}       // number of mates to return - limited to 100

Items & Heroes

These are self-explanatory.





Optional arguments:

page={number}                       // lets you paginate
filter[player_id]={player_id}       // player who created the build - only works for users who claimed a profile
filter[hero_id]={hero_id}           // hero the build is for
filter[role]={role}                 // role the build is for - accepts: [offlane, jungle, midlane, carry, support]
filter[name]={name}                 // title of the build
filter[skill_order]={any_value}     // has skill order? - if set to any value, returns only builds with skill orders
filter[current_version]={any_value} // is current_version? - if set to any value, returns only builds of the current game version
filter[modules]={any_value}         // has modules? - if set to any value, returns only builds with modules
filter[order]={value}               // sorts builds - accepts: [latest, trending, popular]