Predecessor Builds > Wraith > Wraith Guide, Everything you need to know

Build Updated at: 2024-04-22 19:09:06 UTC
Wraith Guide, Everything you need to know
Author: Joneskies (Bronze III)
Role: Carry
Skill Order

Quick Guide:

Skill Order: RMB>Q>E and take R When Available.
Combo: Q-RMB-LMB-RMB (2000+ damage late game)

  • Wraith is a Ability based carry, that is very punishing if you can't land your shots.
  • one of the longest ranges out of all the carries with his RMB, Knock Knock.
  • he is worse into heavy tank compositions than other carries and he can struggle to 1v1 other carries in the mid game. He has no escapes so positioning is very important to not getting picked off in a teamfight or gank.
  • Where he shines is incredible burst and pick potential with his ult. Insane combo damage in the late game and can farm very safely with your RMB

Ability Breakdown

  • Passive: Your ward(3) becomes a throwable drone that pulses to enemy's within 1000 units every 3 seconds then becoming a regular ward. At level 6 it can also reveal enemy wards.

  • RMB: a long range sniper shot that takes a small wind up time that pierces terrain and does the majority of your damage. killing any unit or hitting a target marked by your Q reduces it's cooldown to 1 second and refunds the mana. This will be a main source of last hitting and wave pushing during laning phase.

  • Q: Throw an arching grenade that does a small amount of aoe damage and slows marking the targets hit doing 8% additional max health damage if hit by your RMB

  • E: After a short delay, enter Camouflage and gain 20.00% movement speed for 5s. Takedowns will reset the cooldown. The Passive gives you increased physical penetration. Closest thing you have to an escape, also a good gank tool for roams or coming back to lane.

  • R: Your ult marks the location of enemy targeted and after 2.5 seconds they teleport back to that location. This can be used defensively to get away from an enemy chasing you getting teleported back and away, or aggressively by ulting a target running away to set up your combo or any teammates cc.

Early game

  • Farm, Farm, Farm. make sure to get as many last hits as you can. With your RMB to easily secure last hits you should be able to be even or ahead of the other carry even if you have bad lane matchups. Staying alive to keep farming is key, your RMB is very mana intensive early so I wouldn't use it to poke unless you mark players with your Q first. Use your Passive to toss wards deep into jungle to catch ganks early since your pretty immobile.
  • On your first back you want to grab either soul chalice if the enemy adc's can't wave clear super fast (like a kira or grim) to start stacking faster or a barbaric cleaver against good wave clear adc's like twinblast or drongo to prevent having to farm under tower constantly, if you have the option.

Mid Game

  • If you are ahead and take the duo lane tower, you want to extend that lead to other lanes, roaming using your E to gank, and taking towers and grabbing objectives with your jungler. If you are behind, you just want to keep farming and clearing waves without feeding any more kills until you get at least 3 items. Be careful about taking 1v1's unless you are very far ahead, wraith has weak consistent damage and your burst is not high enough to carry you most of the way to a kill at this stage of the game.

Late Game

  • Once you build your demolisher, you become start to become a one shot beast. Look to stay alive and combo on squishy champs to one shot them in smaller skirmishes, even hitting the enemy frontline in full teamfights with the combo (Q>RMB>LMB>RMB) can chunk them and is easy to follow up for a kill and take them out of the fight. You want to keep lanes pushed up while staying safe so your team can take advantage of picks to take inhibitors with the longer death timers. At this point, your ult will have a pretty long targeting range to help set up cc for your team and your combo to finish or enemies.

If you liked the build make sure to thumbs up and if you want to see video example head over to

If enemy team has a lot of stuns/easy to hit stuns grab Witchstalker crest
if you can get a lot of free auto attacks in fights this will do more damage
if you don't need early wave clear
Level: 18
Physical Power
Magical Power
Physical Penetration
Magical Penetration
0 (+0%)
Critical Chance
Attack Speed
Magical Lifesteal
Physical Armor
Magical Armor
Max Health
Max Mana
Health Regeneration
Mana Regeneration
Heal & Shield Power
Ability Haste
Movement Speed