Predecessor Builds > Sevarog > Siphon Jungle

A little experiment I am trying with Sev Jungle to help with self-sustain while getting online, as well as giving him a fair amount of late-game self-sustain by leaning harder into Lifebinder instead of World Breaker and using an Orb of Growth/Enlightenment to help with early exp gain and late game give a good general buff on his main stats in place of Flux Matrix (though if you anticipate more team play take flux since it makes team plays stronger). This jungle build focuses mostly on Siphon potency and ability haste, while still giving him the beefy health pool we love to give him. It is still a work in progress and have been toying with using Obelisk in place of Saphir's Mantle and Razorback, but presently I think too much is lost to make it a valuable item swap.