Predecessor Builds > Riktor > Riktor support [v0.17.3] (Full tank + 3 items build options)

Build Updated at: 2024-08-16 04:32:42 UTC
Riktor support [v0.17.3] (Full tank + 3 items build options)
Author: Evans_Ry (Bronze III)
Role: Support
Skill Order

Patch V0.18 six items build

With the new patch, I can see Riktor having 3 build routes

  • 1. The most common being: 2 offensive items + double tainted + 2 pure tank items
  • 2. Going full 6 items tank
  • 3. Going 3 offensive items + full tank

As for the new items, the ones I see potential for Riktor are:

  • Dawnstar
  • Fist of Razuul (I still wonder if you can reach 5 stacks to proc it after a hook without puting yourself in danger)

The 2 new mage items: Noxia and Soulbinder might be an option for A LOT of true dmg, yet you'll lose quite some durability

As for the rework of old items, I can see this:

Most of the Tank items lost armor in general, both Physical and Magical, we'll have to bear with it
Also some of the most popular like Double Tainted, Cystalline and Wardens lost some Max Health, others gained it like Unbroken, Void Helm, Frosted Lure, we will have to find out which ones work better now

  • Fire Blossom: It hurts to lose the mana but the new passive Firestorm seems quite good on paper.
  • Elafrost: 50 gold more expensive but the new Mana Regen sounds good (still have to see how the change from base dmg to scaling affects it)
Not sure if better or worse
  • Dynamo: It gained max health, lost all mana plus a bit of phys def, got Immobilizer passive nerfed but gained Adaptive Aggression, still might be an option, just not a must-buy as before, might consider Dawnstar instead
  • Raiment: The change from in-combat healing to out-of-combat might work for the early laning phase trades, still have to see how long that out-of-combat healing takes to heal a trade
  • Stonewall: It definitely got nerfed, it lost the stun + 15 physical amor + all health regen, plus Bulwark passive got slightly nerfed. I know it's 100 gold cheaper but it might open the door for Warden's Faith, Giant's Ring and Razuul to shine
  • Frostguard: It lost all Max Health which sucks hard, also lost Phys Armor for a bit of Magical Armor, I'd build it as a very niche winnig game againt 3 or more auto attackers
  • Vanguardian: Also lost all Max Health, really hurts a tanky support as Riktor, lost 10% tenacity, gained base Physical Armor (which is the same as the passive gave before) but lost 30 Magical from old passive as well, I don't really know if I want to build this anymore
  • Hexbound Bracers: The new Hexbound is even worse than before imo, less Armor, 0 Base Mana, 0 Max HP and way less Ability Haste. As for the new passives:
    • Mana Reactor: You have to lose all your hp at level 6-8 to gain slightly more mana than the old 400 base mana
    • Hexed Guard: Its auto attack dmg reduction is really irrelevant 4(+1 per level) is near to nothing imo

↓↓ This section was for V0.17.3, will update it for V0.18 as the new meta settles down ↓↓

Updated based on Sockcap, Clearcast, Toasty and PCC7 latest builds

The most reliable build will always be full tank, either if you're winning or losing your lane.

If you're confident in your skill, I'd highly recommend going 2 items to increase the impact of your hooks, then go full tank as needed
- Dynamo (is a must since it's the cheapest item with all stats Riktor needs)
- Then pair it with either Fire Blossom, Frosted Lure, Flux Matrix, Elafrost depending on what fits the match best
If you're absolutely dominating, you can afford to go 3 offensive at most, then full tank (Double Tainted should do the job)

As support, most games you´ll only get up to 3 items, so here are a few options for your core 3 items. The last 2 items are situational on what you need.

  • Dynamo:
    Great first item due to being the cheapest item in the game which packs all stats Riktor needs such as HP, Mana, Physical Defense and Haste. Plus its passive to make your hooks way more deadly

  • Double tainted: Guard + Bastion
    At some point in the game you'll have to go full tank, Double Tainted is a great option cause of the synergy between them, giving you HP, Physical and Magical Defense + 10% mitigation at all times + antihealing which is never hurts

  • Frosted Lure / Elafrost:
    If enemy comp doesn't have escape (eg Sparrow, Fey, Iggy, Muriel), Elafrost and Frosted Lure slows shine to run down enemies.

  • Galaxy Greaves:
    If you gonna roam a lot (helping Jungle or Mid carry a game), Galaxy Greaves enable you to do so. (Plus you can Galaxy Jump Hook to brag a bit!)

  • Frostguard:
    If there's a lot of Basic Attack based enemies or enemy ADC is doing well, Frostguard helps reduce their potential a bit.

  • Mana regen → Elafrost:
    If your hooks aren't on point or enemies survive few hooks by getting healed/shielded (Narbash, Phase, Muriel), Hexbound and Elafrost mana regen passives help recover from those expensive hooks. Although, if possible, target the support instead of the adc.

Offensive support
■■■ HP ■■■ Phys Def ■□□ Mag Def ■■□ CD ■■□ DMG
■■□ HP ■■□ Phys Def ■■□ Mag Def ■■□ CD ■■■ DMG
■□□ HP ■■□ Phys Def ■■■ Mag Def ■■■ CD ■■□ DMG ■■■ Mobility
Viable crests
Viable offensive items (1st and 2nd slot)
Viable tank items (3rd to 5th slot)
Level: 18
Physical Power
Magical Power
Physical Penetration
Magical Penetration
0 (+0%)
Critical Chance
Attack Speed
Magical Lifesteal
Physical Armor
Magical Armor
Max Health
Max Mana
Health Regeneration
Mana Regeneration
Heal & Shield Power
Ability Haste
Movement Speed