Predecessor Builds > Morigesh > Mage Mid builds

Build Updated at: 2023-12-10 17:56:25 UTC
Mage Mid builds
Author: 🎮 user-71e8e6f3 (Gold II)
Role: Midlane

How to Play Mid

Mid is in the middle, that means you should be looking to gank both lanes with or without your jungle. To do this follow these easy steps:
1. place a ward in the river, you will stay on this side of the lane, you dont want to get ganked
2. push the minion wave under the Enemy turret, you want to poke the enemy as you do this to force them to want to stay
-NOTE! Keep an eye on the jungle as you do this, it can be very effective to link up with your jungle right before they start a gank on the lane so you can get a double/triple kill and set the enemy back hard. This requires communication and planning so its not easy, but its super effective

  1. go to a lane, this is extra effective if there is a river buff since youll get that and your mid lane will think youre just going for the buff. Make sure to notify the lane you are attacking that you are on your way 4.... You can and should also just gank if you ever see a chance, just try to not leave a full minion wave and for sure not a cannon wave. Some ults are great like Morgigesh since sure can keep the mark on an enemy and pop it whenever theyre low. VERY useful to do on a support or adc since they are squishy


The middle first turret is the most important one to get since it opens up the map so much for your team and your jungle so do make sure to push it well and try hard not to lose yours, you want to gank but not so much that you lose a turret. Its also safest to farm when both your and your enemies first turret is up since it will keep the minions in a safe area so you dont want to take it down too quickly. Just something to think about, its going to be different on each hero based on how well they can gank and how well they can get out of trouble .

Poke Build for DoT Heroes
Poke Build for Ability heroes
Ult based heroes
My preferred
You got countered and have to play super duper safe build
Trolly tank mage
Level: 18
Physical Power
Magical Power
Physical Penetration
Magical Penetration
10 (+0%)
Critical Chance
Attack Speed
Magical Lifesteal
Physical Armor
Magical Armor
Max Health
Max Mana
Health Regeneration
Mana Regeneration
Heal & Shield Power
Ability Haste
Movement Speed