Predecessor Builds > Muriel > Mid Muriel 😇, Mommy of Despair

Wanna be a mid lane bully? Wanna be able to be a menace on the map? Wanna be the reason why your opponent is having a bad day? Lemme introduce you to Muriel Mid, the strong against the meek.
It's pretty easy to play if you have AWARENESS, but mind you... this is a sell or win pick. If you fall behind at all, you are fucked. However, if you follow this guide, you'll surely do a lil better. I'll detail some early game strategies, how to trade and how to use your brain when ulting. With that you'll be able to go off and start winning. If you doubt me at all feel free to take a glance at my games with Muriel.
Terminology: Q is your damage slow ability. Dome is your E big shield ability. Bubble is your RMB tiny shield ability.
* Picking Muriel first is usually fine, your worst matchups are Argus, Howitzer and Gadget. They simply can clear waves and keep you off of them at the same time. Making your enemy choose between trading and wave clear is very important to Muriel. Fey is another hard matchup but if you can coordinate mid ganks she actually becomes useless.
* Don't pick Muriel with a heavy magical team, usually if your jngler is magical then don't go Muriel.
* If you don't have people you can reliably ult for damage and team turning plays, don't go Muriel. I'm talking you got assassin jnler, squishy offlane, and squishy support. It's not worth going Muriel, you'd want at least two people who can go in and can be reliably ulted. Your goal is to ult as many people as possible and to oneshot the adc, mid or support.
* At level one you are very strong, farm passively until the enemy mid uses their ability. Then Q and run them down, don't trade too heavily or it won't be worth. Try to go for 3 - 4 autos.
* At level two you are stronger than most midlaners, your bubble can block a lot of damage and gives you a great attack speed boost. Wait for their ability (or bait it by walking up then walking away), then bubble your feet and Q them try to get 5 - 6 autos then back off. Do this twice or thrice and they're dead or forced to back off.
* At level three you'd wanna make sure you've properly tracked the jngler (more on that below in Early Game), this is your kill range, following the level two strat they would probably be aware of your strength so will try to trade with their abilities but if you use your two shield abilities you can tank most of their damage.
* At level six beyond, when you have ult keep an eye out and spam ult ready (and possibly attack right/left) to make plays.
Early Game Tips
* As the second wave reaches the enemy t1 tower in midlane, go and ward the left entrance to mid from the enemy jng. Ward needs to be between the stairs going up to mid and the three minion jng camp. This will allow you to stay aggressive while staying safe from jngler ganks. If you know the enemy will start Blue Buff (Countess, Shinbi etc) then ward on the right side.
* On your first back around level 2/3/4, work with your jngler to make a gank. Muriel is a strong ganker with shields, speed boosts and slows. You will perform best when ganking with jngler early game.
*River Buffs are very important to Muriel as she eats mana before getting her second item. Rely more on your bubble to get farm with the attack speed, you never wanna use more than two Qs on a wave. Don't use your dome on the wave till way later, it doesn't do that much damage and eats mana. Save for trading and for when you need to use ult suddenly.
* Muriel is usually very very good against other midlaners, unless they get ahead by slaying your team. Remember you can never fall behind your midlaner or you have lost. CALL YOUR MISSING LANES, and push waves if you notice your laner is spam ganking. You need to get ult and be able to turn fights when they go off to gank. Keeping your team informed is best way to combat your midlaner getting fed off your team.
Middle Game Tips
* When you have ult you need to make sure you have mana, you need to back before fights start and come into the fight with your ult. A unique way of ganking that other midlaners can't match. Spamming ult ready and backing in lane is your go-to ganking tool.
* By this point you should know who is the best one to ult on your team, who is the diver of your team? Who gets dived the most? Who is getting caught? You need to really stay on your toes with Muriel which is why I dont suggest it for people who still need to work on their core concepts of the game.
* Muriel Mid is a play maker, call people to ward, call people to push objs, call them to gank out of position enemies. If you cant take control dont play Muriel Mid.
Late Game Tips
* In team fights you want to be holding angles for your Q + Auto burst that will usually deal around 600 - 800 damage to squishy targets. If a fight breaks out, you need to focus the enemy squishy, I usually focus their midlaner, adc or support. If the fight is being brought to you then you need to make sure you hold your ult till your allies are next to the person you wanna burst. Ult > Auto > Q > Auto will usually kill.
* Be oppressive, people don't realize you actually hurt even when you have 15+ kills, cuz of "but..but thats a Muriel"
Honestly I could put out a whole ass document on all matchups and everything I've learned so far but this should be enough for now. Good luck!