Predecessor Builds > Muriel > MURIELCOPTER (Mid Muriel Bulid)
Tired off your team constantly inting around the map with you stuck pushing your lane? Help those silly teammates out with the most supportive mid in the world, Muriel. This build focuses on haste and utility while also giving enough magical power that you become a threat all on your own late into the game.
Early game is your weakest point, but because we're building Marshall first we're able to keep pace on items with the enemy mid even if we drop a few waves. You can drop 2 to 3 full waves of minions and still have your first three items around the same time the enemy mid builds their first three. Your objective is to survive as best you can for the first 5 levels. It may also be a good idea to team up with your jungler if they see a good angle.
Once you get to level 6 the real fun begins. It doesn't matter that the enemy mid can out shove you, you can match his roams with your ult. If your team goes for a play your ult can ensure that play's success, and if they overextend or find themselves in a hairy situation just ult in to turn the play in your favor. Later in the game you can also set up split pushes opposite of a big objective and ult over to help your team secure.
FLEXES: 5th slot is the only time I would recommend picking up a flex item over Lunaria. This is a very supportive pick that trades the ability to hard carry by yourself for being able to support a teammate that's playing well and cheating macro to always be in your favor. If you're not able to enable someone on your team to carry then you're out of luck.