Predecessor Builds > Kira > Kira The Crossbow Queen
Build focused on Attack/Attack Speed/Crit.
In the laning phase, when your support stuns the enemy carry, do not hesitate to dive and do your combo.
Combo : Shadow Glide -> Auto * 2 -> Mercy -> Auto * 2 -> Dusk -> Autos
Kira's Ultimate(Purge) is a bit tricky because it does not really give you that much damage and can easily be canceled. But you can still try to use it if the enemies are in a close area and you have something like a wall to protect you, your Ult's damage area is not limited by walls. You can also use it to clear minion waves if you really have nothing to do, but I wouldn't recommend that.
If the enemy team does not really build physical armor, you can invert Demo and Lightning Hawk. Conversly, you can swap Demo and Ashbinger if the enemy team is really tanky with physical armor.