Predecessor Builds > Rampage > Big Boy Ramp
Rampage is the king of scaling with health.
You want to be tanky with a few bruiser items for damage. This build is for a front line tank. Influence lanes, start fights, take damage and still live. You will be relying on your team to deal damage early but you scale well towards the end.
1st Item:
Overlord for camp clear
2nd Item:
Fireblossom for ph armor and AOE damage.
3rd Item: Magic armor
Tainted bastion for anti heal and mitigation
Void helm for better heals
Unbroken will for anti CC
4th Item:
Rapture atk spd and health
5th/6th Item: Flex
Fist of Razuul for health scaling healing and damage.
Void Helm Healing
Tainted Guard anti heal from basics
Stonewall for more damage mitigation
Insert Flex item here.
You want to build your health pool and farm
Focus on helping your team, but dont fall behind in farm for early game. Your main task is to get lanes set up for objectives. Use your rock from behind fog wall to get quick pressure in lane without having to break up your farm pathing very much. Hit or miss a rock will force the enemy to back off from a possible gank. Use your leap if you think you can finish for a kill but you dont need it if you can give your allies lane control.
Once you have fireblossom you have hit your first power spike. In fights positioning is key, be the front line but don't over extend. You are the wall so your damage dealers can deal damage, make sure you are near them.
After FB get magic armor. This will vary based on the match.
After getting bonesaw you will start to feel the scaling kick in. At this point you have all the health and 3 scaling items to channel it. If you are ahead start fights. CC chains are going to be your downfall so watch for heros with CC.
Last 2 Items will vary. I like fists and void helm. For health and more scaling, but this can vary match to match.
Let your Rage bubble over until you win.