Predecessor Builds > Serath > my personel Serath build

Build Updated at: 2024-11-09 01:52:59 UTC
my personel Serath build
Author: Infinite_void
Role: Jungle

super easy kill chain, target squishies and near dead first

flex to replace basilisk and spectra where needed

Once you get to Draconum it becomes super easy to consistently team wipe and leave near full. Be wary of high cc(especially root) and pay attention to ability cooldowns, if a carry or mid ends up out of range of your autos and your dashes are on cooldown you will lose quickly. Penumbra pretty much solves any post-kill cooldown issues.

This build works best mid-game and leads to great late-game snowballing, but early game don't expect many gank kills mostly try to pull blinks to allow your laners to better succeed and help allow retreats or pushes tower. This won't net you a lot of assists and barely any kills early game but will still allow lanes to succeed, because of this loss of gold and xp make sure to manage your jungle well because in the mid/late-game you will get almost all of the kills. Post Nightfall is around when you can start consistently getting kills whilst ganking.

Draconum more often than not will be your 3rd tier 3 item you will usually only want to build the tier two of the item you're using to counter enemy comp(e.g. Ruthless Broadsword, Serrated Blade), it should be enough to start countering the enemy team without sacrificing too much gold. You'll want to finish those items as your 4th tier 3 item.

What to choose for flex:

  • High CC(Specifically immobilization) teams: Drop Basilisk for Legacy and Spectra for Absolution

  • No PA(physical armor): Drop Basilisk, move everything up one and put Ashbringer or Earthshaker at the end.

  • High heal: If low PA drop Basilisk for Tainted Blade, if both high PA and high heal drop Spectra and grab both Ruthless Broadsword and Serrated Blade

  • If the enemy comp is high damage and you're dying before you can get a kill: Salvation, Mutilator, Onixian Quiver, and Sky Splitter, these items can be put where needed(they are ordered from best to worst at keeping you alive. Although Mutilator is better at general tankiness whereas Salvation helps guarantee that first kill in large team fights Draconum should carry the rest of the sustain)

  • Too much health enemy comp: Drop Penumbra, for Mutilator in the second slot Draconum in the third, and Nightfall in the Fourth. Then drop Spectra for Sky Splitter in the fifth unless PA is an issue then Basilisk will go in its normal position and Nightfall + Sky Splitter will move down one. This will give you great sustain and absurd ult damage + good AP).

  • Weak enemies(where you shine): Drop Basilisk, move everything up one, and put Ashbringer, Earthshaker, or Lightning Hawk at the end.

Against teams of a well-mixed comp try to counter the better players on their team, fill in your team's gaps, cover where you are suffering, and pay attention to how they/your team builds. If someone already counters someone then you might not have to, if it's a Riktor who isn't building PA, grab Tainted to deal with the Khaimera. Are have a tough doing anything because you're constantly stunned by the Crunch, build Legacy, are you dying too fast for any of your other countering to matter, build Salvation.

Thanks for checking out my build!

extra flex
Level: 18
Physical Power
Magical Power
Physical Penetration
Magical Penetration
0 (+0%)
Critical Chance
Attack Speed
Magical Lifesteal
Physical Armor
Magical Armor
Max Health
Max Mana
Health Regeneration
Mana Regeneration
Heal & Shield Power
Ability Haste
Movement Speed