Predecessor Builds > Argus > 🔥SPICY🔥ARGUS FOR NORI :)

Build Overview:
This build focuses heavily on Argus' ability to control the battlefield while maintaining constant pressure through frequent ability casts. Dynamo and Tainted Scepter ensure you can slow and weaken enemies, denying them healing while amplifying your damage. Timewarp and Galaxy Greaves offer cooldown reduction and mobility, enabling you to cast more frequently and stay elusive in fights. Megacosm rounds out the build by adding consistent damage over time, synergizing perfectly with Argus’ kit to whittle down enemies over extended engagements. The mix of cooldown reduction, utility, and sustained damage makes this a highly effective build for team fights and objective control.
Core Items:
Dynamo: This item adds a potent AOE slow effect on hit with abilities, allowing you to disrupt enemy formations and create opportunities for follow-up damage. Its added burst of damage after every ability hit also helps with your poke and burst potential in trades, making it essential for early and mid-game impact.
Tainted Scepter: Tainted Scepter provides anti-heal, a critical effect in countering opponents who rely on healing or life-steal to survive in fights. Additionally, its combination of magical power and health makes it a strong hybrid item, enhancing your survivability while increasing the potency of your abilities.
Timewarp: This item is all about cooldown reduction (CDR) and mobility, enabling Argus to cast his abilities more frequently and giving you faster repositioning during skirmishes. With this item, you'll be able to engage, deal damage, and disengage rapidly, making you a more fluid fighter who can stay in combat longer while consistently applying pressure.
Galaxy Greaves: Galaxy Greaves adds movement speed and a shield, which bolsters your ability to chase or escape from enemies while providing a small buffer of protection in fights. The increased mobility makes it easier for you to weave in and out of combat, setting up engagements or retreating when needed, while the shield can save you in clutch moments.
Megacosm: This item ramps up your damage significantly by applying a burn effect over time to enemies hit by your abilities. This DoT effect synergizes perfectly with your sustained playstyle, making your abilities even more threatening in drawn-out fights as you continue to chip away at enemy health while waiting for cooldown resets.
Dread Nova (Q): Argus unleashes a shockwave of energy in a large AOE, dealing damage to all enemies hit. This ability also applies a stun, making it an excellent tool for initiating fights or preventing enemies from escaping.
Ether Crystal (E): Argus places a crystal at a target location, which detonates after a brief delay and pulls enemies towards the middle, dealing damage in an area. This ability is great for zoning and controlling space during fights, forcing enemies to either move away or risk taking heavy damage.
Particle Shredder (RMB): Argus fires a beam of energy in a straight line, piercing through enemies and dealing damage. This ability is his main source of ranged poke and helps him deal consistent damage while keeping enemies at bay.
Ultimate – Synaptic Obliterator (R): Argus charges up a powerful blast of energy, dealing massive damage with attacks shreading through walls. This ability can turn the tide of team fights, as it has high burst potential and can slow down and potentially eliminate opponents if they try to escape.
Ability priorities: RMB > Q > E
Early Game:
In the early game, your primary goal is to stack up gold and experience for your carry while harassing the enemy with your AOE damage and slow from Dynamo. Position yourself carefully, using Ether Crystal and Dread Nova to avoid dangerous ganks or skill shots. Look for opportunities to engage when your jungler is nearby, using Dread Nova to immobilize opponents and set up easy kills. Be mindful of your cooldowns—you're still building toward higher CDR, so don't overcommit in trades without an escape plan.
Mid Game:
As you move into the mid game, your build should start coming online with Tainted Scepter and Timewarp, giving you more frequent ability usage and stronger team-fighting potential. Begin rotating with your team to take objectives such as towers or neutral camps. In skirmishes, try to initiate with Dread Nova to trap high-priority targets, then follow up with Ether Crystal for extra AOE damage and slows. Your increased mobility from Galaxy Greaves will allow you to engage and disengage at will, positioning yourself to avoid retaliation while continuing to apply pressure. This is also the time to start focusing on countering enemy healing with Tainted Scepter, applying anti-heal in team fights.
End Game:
In the late game, your full build will provide you with the ability to spam abilities almost constantly due to high CDR from Timewarp and Galaxy Greaves. Megacosm will significantly increase your sustained damage output, particularly in extended fights. In team fights, prioritize using Dread Nova and Ether Crystal to lock down enemy carries and apply crowd control while using Particle Shredder to deliver heavy bursts of damage. You can use Synaptic Obliterator do slow down enemies on choke points and finish them off if they manage to escape.
Final thoughts:
This Argus build is designed for high-utility and sustained damage, with an emphasis on cooldown reduction and mobility. Dynamo and Tainted Scepter ensure that you're always a threat with crowd control and anti-heal, while Timewarp and Galaxy Greaves let you stay agile and dangerous throughout the game. Megacosm amplifies your late-game power by adding significant DoT effects to your abilities, making you a constant source of damage even after you've used your burst combo.