Predecessor Builds > Serath > Serath Mid

This is going to be my guide to playing Serath mid. I personally think that Midlane/Jungle are her best roles and that's mainly due to her being able to stick onto any squishy very easily and provide pressure in multiple lanes when getting ahead. When you go Serath mid you need to make sure to try to farm in the early levels. 1-4 she struggles a good bit versus most ranged characters. Once you hit 5 and can get a component to your storm breaker is when you'll really start to do some good damage. What you want to do is Q on to the enemy then lead with some autos and your rmb to slow them so you can get more autos in. Once they are near their tower, turn around and use E to get out of any burst or autos. This way you can always take a favorable trade. Once you hit 6 don't be afraid to all in if you've already taken one or two good trades. If you don't want to go in at this level you can also wait until you finish your storm breaker for some burst that should kill any mid. After you've gotten a lead over the enemy midlaner you can start to roam down to duo to try and get a free kill if the enemy duo is pushed up too far. Do this a couple times and try to keep putting pressure on your mid and you should be able to snowball the game from there.
Favored matchups: The Fey, Countess, Belica, Shinbi and Gadget.
Bad Matchups: Gideon, Howitzer, Morigesh and Argus.