Predecessor Builds > Aurora > Tank Aurora Support
Item Order: adapt to enemy team as with any tank build. Dynamo against phys. damage (almost always as support), Flux against magic damage.
Build Unbroken against heavy cc or cc coupled to burst. Cuirass against magic dps. Megacosm against tanks.
Anti-Heal: Tainted Charm. Anti-Heal Aura is the best (and imo only good) form of anti-heal for melees. A lot of people seem to use Tainted Totem lately on random champs, dont do that its bull. The perk of Tainted Totem is to grant your allies anti-heal when you heal or shield them. Sadly as Aurora you have nothing the like, except on your crest if you took Sanctification. One might argue that the effect of Void Conduit should help with that if you build it, but from my read Void Conduit says you and your ally restore Health, rather than that you Heal them so it shouldnt qualify.
Crest: Guardian. Titan if you expect to have an inter on your team and want to be able to fill the gap without cs restriction (though if you know it from the start you should refer to an Offlane build.
Ability order: E lvl 1, Q lvl 2 for engage or RMB if you dont have trouble engaging (e.g. against a melee supp who keeps fisting you). Lvl 3 whatever's left of your basic abilities. As always, max RMB, followed by E and Q last. (level R whenever possible, goes without saying)
Playstyle: Try to be aggressive lvl 1 - 3. You can usually get at least one of the enemy duolaners very low early, setting you up to a good lane. If you fail to get a good trade early, early levels can be rough at times as you may keep getting poked. Remember to look for roams once you have Q and the opportunity to roam. Mid and Offlane can benefit a lot from receiving good early ganks.