Predecessor Builds > Greystone > [BoB] Greystone Offlane Bruiser / Tank [v1.0]
Work In Progress
Saphir's Mantle is an great option to deal some extra damage and to pump up your general health pool over time. If possible just use it in the crowd!
Judgement give you some more wave clear and some extra heal for a more aggressive gameplay
Brutallax works great against CC heavy compositions.
Build Order
In most situations IĀ“d like to start with the Bonesaw to ensure some early lane kills. Stick to your creeps and freeze the lane on your side of the river. Once you have a big mob available clear the wave and go all in but try to stay near to your creeps. Save your leap as gap closer, don't use it to engage in the early laning phase. Due to the slow, you should be able to catch up mobile champs like Seraph or Zarus!
Depending on your lane opponent it might make sense to start with the Barbaric Cleaver / Overlord for some counter push / wave clear. Furthermore Overlord provide us some physical power depending on our max HP. As Skysplitter is currently omni-present I usually build the tainted item as third, again depending on the enemy teams composition. If you have a tank on your team you could also pay some tankiness for extra damage and go with the Tainted Blade, but in this case you need to be in melee range to apply the debuff. Therefore my first choice is always Tainted Guard or Tainted Bastion
This is my personal variation of the 6K HP Tank by D4MNZ3R0: