Predecessor Builds > Crunch > Jungle, Magic/Phys Punch Crunch

This Build works for both Jungle, and Off-lane however its better for jungle just as a note. This build is going to be split between two options; Magic, and Phys split with more durability, and a pure phys attack build that is squishier than normal.
Magic/Phys: Take Mutilator first, even after the nerf, Mutilator is a solid card that offers both physical damage and sustain. It gives you a decent amount of physical power as well as some ability haste (which is good early game since your abilities have a long cooldown). Mutilator also gives you omnivamp and steals 5% of the enemy's health when you hit with an ability. Then Painweaver, This gives you more physical power and ability haste, as well as some physical penetration. Also with this item, after using an ability, the next basic attack gains bonus physical damage. Since basic attacks are being used in between every ability, this will be adding a lot of damage to our combos. After that go for Megacosm, This will be our first item with magical power and it is a very powerful card on a hero like Crunch, who uses abilities very often. Megacosm gives some more ability haste (which at this point isn't really needed but we'll take it because the rest of the item is fantastic), a good amount of magical power, and some mana. But the reason we're taking this item is for it's passive "Disintegrate." It deals 5% of the enemy's max health as additional magical damage over 3 seconds when you deal damage to them with an ability. Also, whenever you hit that same enemy with another ability within that 3 seconds it instantly deals an additional 2.5% of their max health and refreshes the duration. So, this alone will be doing a lot of damage since your abilities are being used in quick succession. Next Demon Edge, This just gives you a lot more physical power and survivability. While above 40% max health, you gain +15% bonus physical power and while below 40% max health, you gain 10% omnivamp. So this is just a nice item that will help you stay alive in fights. The last item in this build is Dreambinder. This is an item that I don't see many people running, but I find it to be very good. It gives you more magical power, as well as some health and tenacity. With this item, all your abilities will slow whoever you hit by 25% for 1.5 seconds and this item gives you +10% damage to slowed enemy heroes. So effectively, after the first ability hit on an enemy hero, you will just always have +10% damage against them as long as you are hitting them with your combos.
Pure Phys: Mutilator, Sky Splitter, and Draconum are used to complement Crunch's healing while providing decent damage. Ashbringer provides Crunch with lower cooldown times, allowing the player to spam their abilities and gain health far more quickly. Swap Ashbringer and Draconum if you find that you need survivability in team fights more than damage. Deathstalker's passive, 'virulence,' pairs nicely with ability spamming, enabling it to outperform other physical power cards as the final card. This deck has high Damage, and decent Lifesteal and will melt heroes not building for phys armor or health. However this is not a very tanky build and youre going to have to choose wisely which fights you get in due to that. Most likely you will kill before being killed, but be careful for other bruisers.
Magic Tank Optionals are there for you to use as tank items for when you are using the first build, and the Phys Tank Optionals are for either build and work well with both.