Predecessor Builds > GRIM.exe > Grim.Reaper

This build is a slow burn if attack speed is your go to build. ITS NOT BUILT FOR ATTACK SPEED. Just going to get that out the way now.
First spike is after item 2 Dust devil. With the sustain from Terminus you're able to fight even a sparrow if she isn't already fed.
Second spike comes after Imperator. I feel like that's self-explanatory however, the boosted Critical damage gives you the space to 1v1 almost anyone if you can out smart, outplay, outlast.
I wouldnt Sub anything aside from what i listed HOWEVER this game is extremely subjective SO! Build what you want but this is what works for me.
Subs for Terminus:
I will explain this a bit more to help you understand why this is the only item i would Sub. First, Its not the best first item to be completely honest so i understand why you wouldnt want to build it at all. Second, The other items synergize so much that dropping any other item might harm you more than you think.
Caustica: DO NOT BUILD FIRST! If you sub into Caustica build as 5th item not first. Gives you a bit of extra Penetration but deviates from the base of the build and doesnt give you all the extra damage the other 2 items would provide. I only build this if i play him mid. (which isnt often)
Ash bringer: Is good for PC players or console players who are able to spam abilities mid fight. Having full Crit you basically half your CDs and can drop your Q every 4 or so seconds.
Lightning Hawk: This is a good source of extra Attack speed and On-hit damage. It also spices things up with a bit more "Slow" on top of what you get from his E.
Ive never put a build here but i am proud of this build so i had to share it and see what the populus thinks.