Predecessor Builds > Lt. Belica > DON'T SLEEP ON HER

Many people underestimate Belica due to her lack of mobility and damage she dishes out.
The starter items can vary between the Epoch and time flux depending on how the game is going at the start. normally if i'm up against a morigesh or Grim im using epoch to counter their ults, but i'll use time flux when i'm not going to get burst down straight away and die, giving me time to run away and use it to trick the enemy. If you are deep away from tower or teammate are not close, use q to give you a bit of space between the enemy maybe either going through the fog of wall or dropping down a ledge using time flux to bait the enemy to follow you, then tping back creating more space. JUST PICK WHICH YOU FEEL IS MORE NEEDED IN THE GAME, And if you still don't know which to pick then use this simple equation to figure it out .
Early is a make or break for most characters but For belica it is especially important We need to level up faster than our opponent without dying so much in the early game to really become the corner stone of the team's damage. This is where orb of growth gets involved, maintaining a level lead on your counter part will solidfy your position in the game but may also make you a target for the jungle.
KEEP ALCHEMIC ROD UNTIL THE COMPLETION OF THE 5TH ITEM. after that you can upgrade it to azure core.
If the team keeps ganking you in the early game i would recommend getting galaxy greaves replacing Wraith just to give you more options of escaping or wasting time for your Q to come back up, If you've followed the equation i've put and are indeed getting ganked then Time flux should've been you choice, the use of galaxy greaves and time flux should almost certainly guarantee your chance of survival from ganks. I KNOW YOU RANDOMLY GET THE URGE TO JUMP BUT IF YOU DON'T NEED TO JUMP DON'T!!! JUST WAIT UNTIL YOU'VE GOT GANKED.
2 reasons why astral is in the build, 1) you want to be able to use ult to quickly finish an opponent as much as you can, astral will make your ult feel more like an ability with the cooldown being reduced. 2) Lets not lie now her ult looks great everytime you use it, and makes you feel good so we wanna see it as much as we can nothing more nothing less.
This is my first build but i've gotten many wins, kills and less deaths just from using this build on her. I hope anyone using it does good in the game