Predecessor Builds > Muriel > Muriel - Offlane Split Pusher

After playing ranked for a couple of weeks, I was thinking about how to influence the map while playing offlane. The problem is if you leave the lane, you are likely to lose your tower and you are losing farm while rotating. That is when I started looking at Muriel as the only hero with a global ultimate that was impactful in team fights. That solves 1 of the problems (influence the other side of the map), but the second problem of losing the offlane tower was still present. Then I found the 3rd mage crest that no one uses: Time-Flux Band. It has a nice interaction with Muriel's ultimate in that it teleports you to the point you press it after 4 seconds. After some testing, you can press your crest at the start of Muriel's ult so that you return to your starting point in the offlane after you use the 4 seconds to knock up the enemy team with your ult landing, Q bolt the enemy team, and shield your allies. Then once you return to offlane, your non-ultimate ability cooldowns are reset so you have them to split push again.
Here is a game with all of this combined together: