Predecessor Builds > Feng Mao > Stop Going Assassin Crest In Offlane (The Only Offlane Feng Mao Build)

Build Updated at: 2024-06-24 00:14:58 UTC
Stop Going Assassin Crest In Offlane (The Only Offlane Feng Mao Build)
Author: Zaphnie Zebra (Gold I)
Role: Offlane

GO SOUL CHALICE FIRST THEN BUILD INTO MUTI. ONLY COMPLETE RESOLUTION AFTER DRACONUM. You can delay completing resolution longer if you really need to, it's really not a priority.

I don't understand how anyone can look at Assassin Crest, compare it to Warrior Crest, and still think it's the crest to go when taking Feng Mao offlane. Warrior crest heals based on physical power AND does it on both damaging enemy heroes and killing minions. The extra health baked into the crest is also phenomenal for giving you the sustain you need to stay in lane early.

Anyway, this is my standard offlane Feng Mao build. Feng is best into bruisers or tanks so long as you play correctly. I wouldn't play Feng into Shinbi, Aurora, or any ranged offlaner as you just don't have the sustain to take constant poke.

Speaking of poke, that's literally all you want to be doing level 1. Forget minions, forget push. Your only goal at level 1 is getting a passive proc-ed auto into hamstring while the enemy offlaner has limited options to fight back. If you do it right you should snowball your health advantage into a kill even when the enemy offlaner hits levels 2 or 3. From levels 2 to 6 you want to minimize interaction with your enemy offlaner. Go for poke when it's safe, maybe look to all-in when your jungler goes for a gank, but for the most part you want to chill and look for roaming opportunities. Once you have level 6 you're basically looking to shove and roam as much as possible. You don't do enough damage to significantly chunk out the enemy offlaner in most cases, so you need to look for squishies on the enemy team to farm and get stronger.

Late game is all about picking your fights carefully, wait to go in until a priority target overextends or your team is able to get the enemy team low enough for you to chain ultimates. Ideally you want to look more for small skirmishes and catch people rotating into fights than straight up 5 v 5, but you are still a threat in teamfights and should have enough sustainability to burst down key targets with this build.

Core Items
Heavy Magic Damage Flex (Replaces Penumbra)
Flex Items (3rd Spot Onward)
Level: 18
Physical Power
Magical Power
Physical Penetration
Magical Penetration
0 (+0%)
Critical Chance
Attack Speed
Magical Lifesteal
Physical Armor
Magical Armor
Max Health
Max Mana
Health Regeneration
Mana Regeneration
Heal & Shield Power
Ability Haste
Movement Speed