Predecessor Builds > Serath > ONESHOT JG SERATH GUIDE [75% WR - MASTER ELO]

Heyooo everyone we're BACK with another hero build! You might know me for my Kallari build but that's in the past, let me explain. Since patch v0.18 dropped I seriously lost the spark to play Kallari. The durability update felt like the final nail on the coffin for an already low win-rate hero that could only rely on kill-or-be-killed scenarios, so it sucks when you can BARELY assassinate enemy carries now. I wanted to start the ranked season off strong but what do I do when my Hero doesn't feel gratifying to play anymore?
The solution I came up with after many frustrating games was; if enemy AD carries are thriving because of the new durability update . . . why don't I play the AD carry that can jungle? That's where Serath came in, and in the games that I played as her she felt really FRICKIN good. Currently sitting at 2000+ MMR with a 75% win rate on Serath.
The guide is still a work in progress but the general idea for the build is to be an insane ability-resetting team fighter; Brutallax for CC resistance, Penumbra for ability resets on takedown, Night Fall for heals from abilities and shields on takedowns, and Draconum for increased overall healing and a heal on takedowns.
Began working on build + description.
I want to play more games and learn Serath for the guide before making the gameplay portion
Feeling torn between Liberator and Terminus vs Brutallax and Nightfall
I like the idea of being able to hit the attack speed cap but that's just my OCD talking. You trade attack speed choosing Brutallax over Liberator but Brutallax would solve the problem with getting CC'd as Serath. Nightfall is just a better Terminus since your abilities actually do a lot of damage (especially ult) and you'd be able to heal while untargetable in Heaven's Fury.
You do lose damage choosing this option though but will test more
Died while waiting for cooldowns so added Penumbra for full cooldown resets on takedown and the build is feeling smooth. Also added Eviscerator as an optional crest because didn't really notice the tenacity during fights.
Added Demolisher as a flex item against tanky comps
Removed Tainted Rounds and added Draconum for more survivability and team fight potential
Added a more damage-oriented build path for blowing up squishies
Shout out to Meui's Sparrow build for the inspiration! I was looking for Sparrow builds here on Omeda since she's similar to Serath's strengths and stumbled on his build, which now serves as the foundation for my build! One really interesting thing that I learned in version v0.1 from theory crafting and pasting his build onto Serath is that; with her ult, a fully stacked Dust Devil, and all 8 planets in our solar system aligning - we hit 346% attack speed which is 1% OFF FROM THE MELEE ATTACK SPEED CAP of 345%. Isn't that crazy?
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