Predecessor Builds > Aurora > The Iceborn

Follow the Build to the letter, you don't need Prophecy early on, same for Dreambinder, if you doubt the stacking of the slow take Oblivion Crown or Magnify.
Why this Build work:
Your life will sustain you with heal 3% of missing health on 3 sec, you slow down more than any other icequeen and hit fast enough to active you frostwave nearly everytime.
Your magical increase with Worldbreaker and Flux Matrix even more on fight.
the true stats for Health is : 4622
the true stats for Magic is: 613
On level 18 at start of fight
Frozen sword : 159.2P+154.86M
Boreal Sweep : 258.47(1stdmg) + 583.328(2nddmg)
Glacial Charge will not change
Hoarfrost : 629.716(dmg)
Cryoseism : 676.94(1stdmg) + 338.47(2nddmg)
Frozen Simulacre Statue : 1845.22(pv)
Fozen Simulacre Aura : 247.164(dmg/s)
(in fight it's even more)
Well, calculate the slow yourself as it broken and it will be fixed later with patch.