Predecessor Builds > Wraith > 🏹 Wraith Builds [v19 - Updated 7/3]

Build Updated at: 2024-07-03 16:59:14 UTC
🏹 Wraith Builds [v19 - Updated 7/3]
Author: Meui (Gold II)
Role: Carry
Skill Order

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Wraith - Overview

Because of the strength of carry items currently, Wraith has two viable playstyles now that have very different build paths. Below I will give a quick overview of the two build paths so you can choose or try the one you prefer, but I do recommend trying both as they are both viable.

Crit Setup

Burst: High
Consistent DPS: High
Difficulty: Medium
Playstyle: Assassin/Carry Flex

This setup is centered more around building Wraith as a traditional carry to an extent. The reason this setup is now viable is for a few reasons but the main reason comes down to the power Nuclear Rounds and Ashbringer can give Wraith now. Also, because Ashbringer's passive we are able to drop some ability haste and pick up Demolisher which is just an insanely strong item.

This build is focused around maintaining Wraith's burst potential on his combo as much as possible while offering consistent DPS through hard hitting autos that frequently crit and keeping cooldowns low through Ashbringer and a good chunk of ability haste. This build does have less burst potential than the penetration build, but if you are finding that you are not instantly able to execute squishies while playing Wraith then you may find more success with this build. This build is also much more effective against tanks. Previously, it was basically pointless to shoot tanks as Wraith because of his building path, however, with this setup you do sizable damage vs tankier targets than with the Penetration build.

Your playstyle can be flexed, whether you want to play Wraith as he had been previously played as an assassin, or if you want to play more as a backliner and kill front liners or pick off squishies, both play styles are viable with this setup. Your potential to nuke a squishy target before they know what's happening is definitely lower with this build, but because of the hard hitting and faster auto attacks you can afford to miss your snipes more and still get away with a kill. I recommend this build path for people trying Wraith out for the first time or those who just prefer the more traditional carry playstyle to the assassin playstyle.

Penetration Setup

Burst: Insane
Consistent DPS: Low
Difficulty: Very High
Playstyle: Assassin

This is the usual Wraith build updated for the 6 item patch. This build has insane burst potential, meaning if you know what you're doing and who you need to be hitting you can blow squishy targets up incredibly fast. This build has low cooldowns like the hybrid setup because of ability haste and more consistent distribution of stats, meaning your power spikes aren't as huge as the hybrid build but more consistently distributed.

The playstyle here is an assassin and everything you know about a traditional carry should be thrown out the window. With this build path you should be playing to stealth and assassinate squishy targets, then restealth and do it again. You are looking to cause absolute chaos in the enemy backline and take them out before their frontline even knows what happened. You generally want to ignore tankier targets as your damage against them is significantly lower than a traditional carry, and want to look to catch squishy targets. Tanky targets should be your last priority whenever possible.

As I stated, this build is hard to play. It is much harder than the hybrid setup because of how imperative it is for you to position properly, have good timing, and hit your snipes. Missing is a lot less forgiving with this setup so pulling off a proper execution of a squishy target is harder than the hybrid setup, but if you can land all your abilities and shots you will be unstoppable.

Crest Options


Core Items


Finalizing Build


Skill Order

Stick to this skill order always:

PC: R > RMB > Q > E
Xbox: LB+RB > RB > LB > LT
PS: L1+R1 > R1 > L1 > L2

Tips and Tricks


Crit Setup - High Burst DPS and High Consistent DPS (Swap Ashbringer or Nuclear Rounds for Tainted Rounds vs Healing)
Penetration Setup - Very High Burst DPS and Low Consistent DPS (Build Tainted Trident 3rd/4th vs Healing)
Level: 18
Physical Power
Magical Power
Physical Penetration
Magical Penetration
0 (+0%)
Critical Chance
Attack Speed
Magical Lifesteal
Physical Armor
Magical Armor
Max Health
Max Mana
Health Regeneration
Mana Regeneration
Heal & Shield Power
Ability Haste
Movement Speed